Friday, January 13, 2017

Who I Am

This week was my first week of the class entitled, Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel. So far, I absolutely love it. Something that we talked about this week was about who we are. As we talked about who we really are as sons and daughters of God, we talked about a scripture in Moses 1. Here Moses has been having this amazing spiritual experience where he is interacting with and has seen God, and he is confronted by Satan. Satan calls Moses a "son of man" and commands Moses to worship him. This is what Moses says,
"Who art thou? For behold, I am a son of God, in the similitude of his Only Begotten; and where is thy glory, that I should worship thee?" (Moses 1:13)
I think it's interesting that the first thing that Moses does is ask Satan who he is, and then follow it up with introducing himself as a son of God. When we understand who we are and how loved we are by our Heavenly Father, we can be happy and feel safe in the knowledge that we are truly loved and that the Creator of the entire universe is on our side and is mindful of us. That scripture makes me feel so grateful to be a child of God. I love reading stories like the Lightening Thief where the main characters are all children of the Greek Gods, and I used to wish that I could be one of them and have cool powers like they do. But now I realize that I am the child of a being infinitely more powerful than some mythological God. My Heavenly Father is the God the Universe.
This brings me to another favorite quote of mine that I saw in a YouTube video entitled, "Who You Are, a Message to all Women."
"I am a Daugher of the Living God. Cherished, loved, and adored above all things by the Creator of all things for the glory of Him is who is greater than all things, I am Awesome."
When we remember that we are true children of the living God, the Creator of heaven of earth, we can have a higher self esteem, we can be more confident, and we can have such great joy because we understand who we are and what we can become.
I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and for the knowledge I have that I am His daughter.
Image result for child of god

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