Saturday, January 21, 2017

Learning to Take Counsel

For the past few months I have been thinking about serving a mission. I've gone over in my head all the reasons why I should go and all the reasons why I shouldn't, but I still haven't been able to make a concrete decision. I've been praying and going to the temple, trying to understand what it is the Lord wants me to do. I found a verse in the Book of Mormon that enlightened me as I've thought though. It is in Jacob 4:10 and it reads:

Wherefore bretheren, seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand. For behold, ye yourselves know that he counseleth in wisdom, and in justice, and in great mercy, over all his works.

This scripture really struck me because it made me think about whether or not I've really been trying to understand what it is that God wants me to do, or just trying to figure out what would work best with my life plan. I am not anywhere near as smart or wise as our Heavenly Father, none of us are. And I think that as we try to really understand what it is that He wants us to do rather than us telling Him what we think He should want us to do, we will be more successful and find our lives to be immensely blessed because we are doing what our Father in Heaven wants us to do.
Image result for listen to god

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