Saturday, October 1, 2016

Listen to a Prophets Voice

This is general conference weekend! I love the opportunity that I have to come and listen to the Prophets and Apostles speak about Jesus Christ and give us guidance and modern revelation that's so relevant to us in our day. I just got done listening to the Saturday morning session. My favorite apostle Dieter F. Uchtdorf started off the meeting, and while his talks are usually my favorites, and the one he gave today was phenomenal, I think that my favorite from this session would have to have been from Elder Juan A. Uceda from the Quorum of the 70. He spoke about prayer. Some of my favorite things that he said were:
  • At the very moment that we say the words "Father in Heaven" he connects to us. His eyes and ears are drawn on me and He enters my mind and understands my desires and hears me perfectly, the very moment that I say the words "Father in Heaven".
  • Heavenly Father will never say; you can't imagine how busy I am right now. Come back later. He will never say that he won't help us because we only come to Him in times of trouble.
Other things that I liked from his talk, were questions that he posed to us to help us think about our prayer and how we address our all powerful and all loving Father in Heaven. He asked us:
  • He pays attention to my voice, but do I pay attention to His?
  • When I pray, am I really praying or am I just saying a prayer?
  • Do I prepare myself for making important decisions by praying unto my Heavenly Father?
These were some of my favorite moments from General Conference, and definitely my favorite talk so far this General Conference season, of course this is only the first session and there's still so much more left for me to learn and grow from as I listen to the Prophets Voice.

Image result for christ pray

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