Saturday, September 3, 2016


This weeks entry is inspired by something that I read while reading in the Book of Mormon. The reference is 1st Nephi Chapter 11. This passage is all about Nephi wanting to see the vision that his father Lehi had seen a couple chapters previous to this about the tree of life. The Spirit comes to Nephi as he is pondering on the things which his father had said about his vision, and the Spirit asks Nephi what it is that he desires. Nephi says that he desires to "behold the things which my father saw". And the Spirit says to him "Look!" The chapter goes on in this fashion with the Spirit showing unto Nephi all that his father had seen in his vision of the tree of life, and also Nephi was able to see the Savior and his life and ministry as well as that of the 12 apostles.

To me, this chapter is significant because every time that the Spirit wanted to show Nephi something, He said "Look!", and then Nephi would have to look. I thought that it was interesting because the Spirit could have just as easily put the vision right in front of Nephi's eyes and made him see it, but instead he chose to ask Nephi to look. Nephi had to make a conscious decision to look and behold what the Spirit wanted him to see, it would not be forced upon him. I think that's interesting because it show's to me that even though the Lord might have great things in store for us, or want to show to us something amazing, or bless us exceedingly, He will never take away our agency. Our agency to choose is one of the greatest gifts that has been given to us here on this Earth and our Heavenly Father will always respect our ability to choose. He will never force spiritual experiences upon us no matter how much He wants us to have them. We, like Nephi, have to make the decision to Look! This is so applicable to me because I want to always be on the look out for experiences or blessings that the Lord is trying to bless me with. He will never force them upon me, but I want to always be worthy and able to receive those blessings or those experiences. I always want to be worthy and able and Look!

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